Accès organisateurs:


REGISTRATION FORM   -   Order n° 1714619843507 du 02/05/24 05:05:23

Don't forget to scroll down, all the information is added to each other. Fields preceded by a are mandatory.
Registration of family members must be done at once. It is not possible to add pilgrims after payment completion.
In the event of a technical problem with the form, please contact the webmaster

1/ Entering the contact details of the head of the family or adult volunteer

Note: it is always the head of the family who registers his own minor children, whether he himself makes the pilgrimage or not. If you are a single adult, you are considered head of the family.
The registration of clergy (priests, seminarians, religious men and women) is not done with this form. Please see this page for more information.

Civility : 
First name : 
Surname : 
Year of birth : 

Email : 
Email : 
Address Line 1 : 
Line 2 : 
Line 3 : 
Zip code : 
City : 
Country : 
Mobile phone : 
Land line : 

At least one phone number is needed, either landline or mobile.